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Geek? Me?

It was a Saturday morning, I was ten minutes early for a haircut and had some time to kill / hands to warm before my appointment. Wandering around Windsor enjoying one of the first Saturday mornings I've ever seen without a hangover, I found myself staring into the window of a Sony Center in much the same way a Big Issue seller would stare into the happy place that is McDonalds and imagine the sweet sweet taste of a Big Mac.

With my brain totally switched off for fear of a rational thought, I wandered in to look at the tellies. Hmmm, nice HD tellies.

After being asked several times if I needed assistance by unknowledgeable Saturday staff, I showed an interest in an LCD Bravia TV. To fill the rather large hole left in my soul due to the fact I couldn't pick up my car this weekend, I went on to further quench my thirst for irrational purchases by picking up the TV and one of only 3 remaining PlayStation 3s, convincing myself that I 'needed a Blu-Ray player anyway' and that this is just a cheap (thus actually saving money) way to achieve that. An eager salesman with very little persuading threw in an extra wireless controller, HDMI cable and TV stand with it as well. The gaming joy awaiting was going to be unstoppable.

Turned out to be a rather expensive hair chop, but the rest of the day was as expected as I breached new levels of geek configuring the PS3 to my wireless, PSP and after much faff, Flickr Account with the help of Flickr Backup. All about seeing your photos in 3D realness.

I then joined fellow excited geeks across the country in Resistance: Fall of Man in multiplayer mode, where I soon realised that due to my arms being longer than anyone else online, my hand/eye co-ordination made for great cannon fodder. Still great though, I'd even go as far as to say its the most fun you can have online with two hands.

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