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Squeezebox / Last.FM geekness

After very little effort, I've just set up my Squeezebox with my Last.fm account with SlimScobbler. Who wouldn't want to do that!

A Squeezebox, for those unaware, is a wireless device that you plug in to your stereo that allows you to play any songs from your iTunes, BBC's Listen Again (Judge Jools!) or ShoutCast streams from the comfort of the lounge without geeking it up through a computer.

So, while it's doing that, it can send all the info to Last.FM who cleverly work out my 'tastes' and continually adjust my personal radio station, recommended bands and neighbours. Which in turn I can play back through my Squeezebox with the Last.fm pluggin. Using the remote, I can enter tags, artist names (for similar to), and it will play it straight back. Allowing me to listen to anything I like without even getting off my arse. Brilliant.

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