Sunday, April 08, 2007

At last!

Well, after 4 weeks of waiting for Hans 'sitting on' Fritz to send over a simple spring from Germany, I decided to give up on the GT3.

This pretty much worked out for the best, given that everyone I've been within a 5 mile range of since last month has told me it was a stupid idea. Buying a track car to sit on Woking ring road for hours on end is pretty much like going out with Jordan to capitalise on her vocab for intense games of Scrabble.

Anyhow, this little beauty came on the market on Friday night, and was duly purchased by noon the next day. Although a little slower than the GT3, it has absolutely every extra going for it. Much more practical for everyday use. Ah, you gotta love it when you have the ability to convince yourself that spending every penny you've ever earnt on a car is actually considered practical. It's all about points of reference!

So, I drove it back from the dealers and actually fell in love. I didn't realise there was this extra element to driving, actual pleasure at every twist and turn, and this has nothing to do with speed, more down to the way it handles. Its 4WD and is pretty much on rails as you take it round a bend at full pelt. Although getting up to 60 in the time it takes to shit your pants is also fucking cool.

Being a closet geek, the technical stuff got me just as excited, the built in phone, satnav, actual computer, BOSE sound system, etc... The geek police stopped me only a few clicks away from texting Twitter from the dashboard computer. That would have represented a new low. Almost as low as writing a blog when there are keys in my pocket and....

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